QQEnglish App | How to navigate settings?

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How to navigate settings using your QQEnglish App?

  • Open your QQE app and select sign in.
  • Input important information: email address and password.
  • Click the “me” window.
  • Click your profile and you can edit the following:
    – Profile Photo
    – Nickname
    – Gender
    – Birthday
    – Class Tool (Classroom or Skype)
  • You can see how many points you have, the number of your tickets, or your favorite classes.
  • You can review your regular courses and your favorite courses.
  • You can look into the schedule of your lessons.
  • You can manage your fixed teacher.
  • You can send your inquiries through Customer Support.
  • You can look into system settings and be reminded about your upcoming lessons.

Have your classes in mobile

At QQEnglish, we make learning English online convenient for you. You no longer need your personal computers when you learn with us because you can enjoy having your classes online using just your mobile phone. No matter how busy your day is, learning English with your favorite QQEnglish teacher is always possible.