
The First English Phrase Collection

The first English phrase collection
The first English phrase collection
The first English phrase collection
The first English phrase collection

We have compiled a cheat sheet containing phrases that are easily taught in early online English conversation.

Just remember these phrases and you should find that your experience in early lessons will be smooth. Please use it during your first lesson.

The first English phrase collection

Online English conversation cheat sheet

First greeting

The first English phrase collection

A: Hello, nice to meet you.

B: Hello, it’s nice to meet you too.

A: How are you?

B: I’m great, and you?

A: I’m also great, thank you.



A: My name is ____. What is your name?

B: I am ___. How old are you?

A: I am ___ years old. And you?

B: I am ____ years old. Where are you from?

A: I am from _____. It is famous for _____.

B: Interesting! I am from _____, and it’s famous for _____.

A: What is your favorite hobby?

B: My hobby is ____. What is yours?

A: Mine is _____.

The first English phrase collection

Audio Trouble Phrases

The first English phrase collection
  • Can you hear my voice ok?
  • I can’t hear you very well.
  • Yes, it sounds good.
  • Your voice is breaking up.
  • It’s very noisy.
  • I will try adjusting the microphone.
  • Can you please do it again?
  • Wait a minute.
  • Just a moment, please.
  • Hold on.
  • There seems to be a problem with the
  • Internet connection.
  • Well, I’ll call you back.
  • Can you chat with me?
  • Sorry, I didn’t hear you clearly.
  • Eh?
  • Pardon?
  • Excuse me?
  • I didn’t catch what you said.
  • Can you say that again?
  • Please speak more slowly.

Asking Questions

  • How do you spell that?

  • How do you pronounce that?

  • What does ______ mean?

  • Can you give me another example of the expression?

  • Can you explain it to me in simpler words?

The first English phrase collection
The first English phrase collection


The first English phrase collection
  • Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom.
  • Please excuse me, I need to step out and take this call.

At the end of the lesson

  • Can you give me feedback to improve my English?
  • I learned a lot today. Thank you very much.
  • Thank you for the lesson.
  • Let’s meet again soon.
  • See you next time.
The first English phrase collection


We have compiled a cheat sheet containing the phrases that are easily taught in early online English conversation.

Just remember these phrases and you should find that your experience in early lessons will be smooth. Please use it during your first lesson.