6 個免費技巧和範例,創建令人印象深刻的英文求職信
當求職者求職時,用英文寫令人印象深刻的求職信是額外的加分。 一份工整美觀的求職信是大多數雇主在僱用新員工時考慮的因素之一。
求職信是一頁的信函,其中包含能力、工作經驗以及與所申請的工作相關的一些技能摘要,通常包含三到四個段落。 一般來說,求職信是用英文寫的。
英文求職信很重要,因為大多數人力資源在審查應聘資料之前都會參考求職信寫的資訊。 應徵者只需確保求職信中的內容與履歷表中的詳細資訊一致即可。
求職信 VS 履歷
為什麼會有履歷和求職信的差別? 這兩個令人困惑,兩者在內容和長度上略有不同,但目的相同:介紹你自己,總結經歷和能力,並表達對某事的興趣。

求職信有特定的格式可循。 這實際上取決於你如何撰寫。 英文求職信是寄給雇主的正式信件。 當寄送紙本求職信時,要檢查細節以及縮排,並確保所有資訊都呈現在紙上。
- 聯絡資訊 – 包括地址資訊、姓名。 如果想使用公司地址,就在此處加入職位,也可以在此處新增電子郵件地址。 例如:
Executive Assistant
Princeling Holdings Incorporated
8815 N. Linden Street
El Monte, CA 91732
- 日期 – 信件撰寫的日期
- 收件者資訊 – 此部分包含收件人的資訊。 也可以註明收件人的職位以及公司地址。
- 稱謂 – 在這一部分中,請寫下收件人的頭銜。 例如:如果知道收件人的姓名,可以寫Mr. Smith, Ms. Jones等。 如果沒有,可以寫 Madam、Ma’am 或 Sir。
- 內文 – 這是信件中最重要的部分,因為包含了詳細資訊,例如資格條件、技能和經驗以及培訓證書。
- 結語 / 補充說明 – 信的結尾。 可以使用正式的結尾,例如「Sincerely」、「Respectfully Yours」、「Very truly yours」等。
- 簽名檔 – 包含姓名和簽名。 名字必須大寫且粗體。

您準備好寫求職信了嗎? 我們文章的下一部分重點介紹如何用英文撰寫令人印象深刻的求職信。
- 尋找工作和公司
在寫求職信之前,應仔細閱讀並理解職位。 考慮自身資格並檢查自己是否適合該職位。 同時,研究公司的背景,進一步了解公司狀況。
- 寫草稿、編輯和校對
要用英文寫一封求職信並不容易。 在完成信函之前,需要寫許多草稿,之後多次編輯併校對,確保提供的資訊正確無誤,尤其是收件人的名稱和公司名稱。 此外,給自己一些時間仔細檢查內容的組織及其連貫性。
如果不擅長校對英文求職信,可以尋求專家的專業協助。 不要太過自信,您的目標是給招募人員留下深刻印象。
- 簡要地說明自身條件
寫求職信是因為對職缺有興趣並且自己認為自己有資格。 為了實現這個目標,請簡要的呈現自身條件,突出擁有的最相關的經驗和能力,給招聘者留下深刻印象,解釋為什麼你是最佳人選。
- 使用適當的字體樣式和字體大小,並適當的縮排
用英文寫求職信時,必須遵循標準字體樣式和大小。 字體大小必須為 12。 所有邊緣都必須有 1 英吋的縮排,並使用信紙大小(8.5 x 11英寸)的紙張。每一部分必須是單行間距,而兩個段落之間的間距必須是雙行間距。
- 表現出你的熱情
為了贏得招募者的心,請在求職信中表現積極、期待的態度。 你的態度將是決定你是否加入公司的因素,如果有機會的話能夠接受面試。 信件中記得提到工作時讓自己最感興趣的事。
不要忘記感謝收件人。 承認並感謝他們花時間閱讀。 同時說明自己期待有面試機會,並在他們公司看到了自己的未來。
- 信中保持正式的態度
求職信是一封正式的信函,因此在撰寫求職信時必須使用適當的字詞。 儘管在信中有期待的語氣,仍然要使用正式用語。 最常用的表達方式是“Sincerely”,但如果想要有其他選擇,可以使用“Kindregards”、“Bestregards”、“Respectively yours”等。
在申請工作時,用英文寫一封令人印象深刻的求職信非常重要。 求職信的目的是展示自己對該職位的適合性並激起雇主對你的履歷感興趣。 保持真實,展現自己的成就,並說明如何為公司做出貢獻。
December 7, 2023
Dear Mr. Roberts,
I am writing to express my keen interest in the Linguistics Advisor position advertised on your Facebook page dated December 5, 2023. I am a graduate of Linguistics from Cambridge University in London. As a passionate and experienced linguist with a strong commitment to academic excellence and student support, I am confident that my qualifications and skills align perfectly with the requirements outlined in the job description. I have six years of experience teaching undergraduate linguistics courses such as Phonetics, Morphology, and Syntax. In my previous role at English and Me Incorporated, I served as a dedicated academic advisor for linguistics majors, providing guidance on course selection, academic progress, and career development. My research and academic expertise lies in the areas of Sociolinguistics and Applied Linguistics. I have presented my study at research conferences in Indonesia and Singapore. My researches are now published in the International Journal of Linguistics. I am eager to learn more about this exciting opportunity. I look forward to discussing my qualifications with you and how they would benefit your school. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I am available for an interview anytime at your earliest convenience.
Sincerely yours,
GEORGINA A. DAVIDSON December 7, 2023 ABIGAIL MCLENNON Dear Ms. McLennon, I am writing to express my enthusiastic interest in the cashier position currently open at [Store Name]. Although I may not have formal cashier experience, I am a highly motivated and quick learner with a strong work ethic and a passion for customer service. While I haven’t yet worked in a retail setting, I possess several transferable skills that will make me a valuable asset to your team. I have strong customer service skills, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, detail-oriented and accurate, a fast learner and eager to learn, and highly motivated and reliable. I am confident that I can quickly learn the ropes and become a valuable member of your team. I am a fast learner and eager to contribute to the positive and welcoming atmosphere at Patty’s Restaurant. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and can be reached at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address]. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Very truly yours, GEORGINA A. DAVIDSON |
JOHNNY A. DEPP RAINEE S. COLLINS Dear Ms. Collins, Good day! I am writing to express my keen interest in applying for the recently vacated Accounting Manager position in our company. As a dedicated and results-oriented Accounting Supervisor in our company for the past eight years, I am confident that I possess the skills and experience necessary to excel in this new role. My passion for finance, coupled with my proven track record of success in a similar internal environment, makes me confident in my ability to seamlessly transition into the Accounting Manager role. I am adept at leading and motivating teams, driving operational efficiency, and ensuring the integrity of our financial systems. I am confident I can effectively manage the department’s day-to-day operations while providing strategic financial insights to support informed decision-making and optimize profitability. Furthermore, my deep understanding of our company’s culture, internal controls, and financial systems allows me to hit the ground running and contribute meaningfully from day one. I am eager to leverage my expertise to further strengthen the Finance Department and contribute to the continued financial health of XYZ Holdings Limited. Attached to this letter is my updated resume for your reference. I look forward to hearing from you. I would love to discuss everything about my application with you soon. Respectfully yours, JOHNNY A. DEPP |
你準備好英文求職信了嗎? 以上範例僅供您參考。
下次找工作時,可以用英文寫一封令人印象深刻的求職信。 歡迎將本文中提到的重點應用到求職信中!祝你好運!