- Look before you leap. – 在決定做某件事之前要深思熟慮。
- Every cloud has a silver lining. – 事情不只有壞的,也有好的事情。
- A leopard can’t change its spots. – 一個人的天生性格是不會改變的。
- Beat around the bush – 「開門見山」的反義詞; 迴避特定話題或問題。
- Once in a blue moon – 很少發生的事情。
- A piece of cake – 形容事情很簡單、容易。
日常生活中,我們有時會不自覺地使用諺語,但往往會忽略它們。 如果人生中遇到困難,透過諺語,可以幫助我們深入思考自己經歷的相關事情。
為了熟悉最常見的英文諺語,我們整理了 50 句英文諺語例句及其含義。
- Don’t judge a book by its cover.
意思: 不應該透過外表來判斷一個人或一件事。
例句: You just met our new professor so don’t judge the book by its cover.
- It’s better late than never.
例句: I need to submit my report but I have not finished it yet and it’s already the deadline. Ah, I’ll still submit it. It’s better late than never.
- The pen is mightier than the sword.
意思: 這裡的筆代表著透過書寫進行良好的溝通,不使用刀劍。 與其用暴力來表達,不如用溫和手段。
例句: The pen is always mightier than the sword. Our national hero did not fight the colonizers physically, but he used his pen to spread his ideas.
- It’s better to be safe than sorry.
例句: You have to limit eating junk food. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
- Practice makes perfect.
意思: 這句諺語的意思是,如果你想在某件事上做得更好,你就必須繼續練習,而不是放棄。
例句: Don’t worry about your English skills if they are not fluent. Remember, practice makes perfect.
- Strike while the iron is hot.
意思:如果有機會來敲門,那就去爭取吧。 承擔風險,不要害怕。
例句: Make sure to strike the iron while it’s hot to not miss any good opportunities.
- An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
意思: 擁有更多知識和受教育是更好的,因為你從中獲益良多。
例句: Children should be taught the idea that an investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
- Experience is the best teacher.
意思: 從經驗中學習,這就是為什麼這句諺語對我們來說最常見。
例句: I always believe that experience is the best teacher.
- It is the first step that is difficult.
意思:確實如此,正如字面上所說。 我們遇到的每件事一開始總是困難的,如果我們習慣了,一切都會變得容易。
例句: It is natural that if you are new in your job, it is the first step that is difficult.
- Many hands make light work.
例句: Many hands make light work if we all do this project hand-in-hand.
- No pain, no gain.
意思:無論我們想要在生活中實現什麼目標,我們總會遇到痛苦和失望。 這些並不是指身體上的疼痛,而是指身心靈疼痛。 經歷痛苦後,我們會達到想要的目標,並且獲得成功。
例句: Most of the soldiers’ mantra is “no pain, no gain.”
- Do not do things tomorrow if you can do them today.
意思: 今天能做的事情為什麼要等到第二天呢? 這句諺語很常見,尤其是在工作場合中,因為必須利用有限的時間並富有成效。 最好儘早完成任務,這樣當有修改時,才有時間去做。
例句: Be productive; do not do things tomorrow if you can do them today.
- A bad workman always blames his tools.
意思:一個員工做了某件事失敗了,他就會責怪他的工具。 就像在職場中,如果領導者無法實現團隊目標,他會責怪下屬。
例句: Don’t be a bad workman who blames his tools. You are better than that.
- Actions speak louder than words.
意思: 我們的行為比我們口頭表達的更為明顯。有時候,我們嘴巴說沒事,但實際上並非如此,我們的面部表情或行為上非常明顯。
例句: You can’t deny to me that you are hurt. Actions speak louder than words.
- A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
意思: 無論那個地方有多遠,任務有多大,無論事情多麼成功,都是從一步或從小事開始執行的。
例句: Ms. Lou is now a millionaire. She was once a poor lady but she had dreams. Her journey of a thousand miles began with a single step.
- All work and no play makes John a dull boy.
意思:如果你專注於工作而不從事休閒活動,會被困在工作中,而不會去嘗試那些你可以學到更多的東西。 你對世界一無所知,因為你只專注於一件事。 平衡工作和生活也是很重要的。
例句: Don’t be too stressed with work. All work and no play makes you a dull person. Explore and be productive.
- Don’t bite the hands that feed you.
例句: You should not bite the hands that feed you because they are there when you need help the most.
- Half a loaf is better than no bread.
意思: 擁有一點總比什麼都沒有好。
例句: Those who live in poverty are most likely to appreciate half a loaf which is better than no bread at all.
- Robbing Peter to pay Paul.
例句: Stop lending money to your friend. He’s like robbing Peter to pay Paul, and it’s not good.
- The truth will always prevail.
意思: 沒有任何秘密或謊言可以不被發現。真相總會水落石出。
例句: Even if you won’t tell the world about the crime you committed, the truth will always prevail.
- Blood is thicker than water.
意思: 無論你的家庭有多問題,除了你的家人之外,沒有人會陪伴你,家人是唯一會提供你協助的人。
例句: Blood is thicker than water because John, who is the biological son of the Perez family, was given more consideration than Peter, the adopted son.
- Rome wasn’t built in a day.
例句: Why do you badly go to Europe when your budget is not enough yet? Rome wasn’t built in a day, so wait until you have enough.
- There is no place like home.
例句: I have been here abroad for 3 years now. I miss my family; I miss our house. Indeed, there is no place like home.
- Curiosity killed the cat.
意思: 對與自己無關的事情過於好奇,有時會帶來麻煩。
例句: I believe that curiosity kills a cat especially when you are too inquisitive about other people’s life.
- The family that prays together stays together.
例句: In Christian religions, they strongly believe that the family that prays together stays together.
- Though a tree grows ever so high, the falling leaves return to the ground.
意思: 無論走多遠,仍然想著回到家人身邊。
例句: Though a tree grows ever so high, the falling leaves return to the ground.
- A man’s home is his castle.
意思: 可以在家中做任何您想做的事,沒有人會監視你的一舉一動。
例句: If someone doesn’t want to be guarded, he must stay at home, because his home is his castle.
- You reap what you sow.
意思: 你未來的處境是你現在行動的結果。
例句: Work hard for your life and you will surely reap what you sow.
- One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
意思: 並非所有人都有相同的願望和需求。 你不想要的東西,可能是其他人的珍寶。
例句: The rich throw away things that they don’t need, but the poor pick them and use them with love. This means one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
- Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.
例句: Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched; you are not yet sure of the result.
- Who knows most speak the least.
意思:懂得多的人從不誇耀自己; 但那些知識較少、只依賴所聽到的人卻有很多話要說。
例句: John never brags about his inventions, but Mark claims to know more about them even though he doesn’t know the background of those inventions. Who knows most indeed speaks the least.
- Slow and steady wins the race.
意思: 不需要急於完成事情,只需要小心謹慎,緩慢而堅定地做事。 有時候,急於求成的人並不會得到好的結果。
例句: Just like the tortoise, slow and steady wins the race.
- There is a time and place for everything.
意思: 生命中的一切都有時間和地點。
例句: President Duterte’s mantra in life is “There is a time and place for everything.”
- Unity is strength.
意思: 團結的人有更堅固的關係。
例句: Work together as one because unity is strength.
- One word is enough for a wise man.
意思:聰明人會專心聆聽,不會多言。 如果你對他解釋什麼,他會立即理解。
例句: You think of yourself as wise, but understand the situation. One word is enough for a wise man.
- You never know what you can do until you try.
意思: 這意味著只要你願意嘗試,你就可以做某件事,而不是不去嘗試就孤軍奮戰。
例句: Why don’t you join the pageant? You never know what you can do until you try.
- History repeats itself.
意思: 同樣的事情一再發生。
例句: My friend collapsed during their team building in 2019. During the same event in 2022, she collapsed again. Indeed, history truly repeats itself.
- No man is an island
意思: 每個人都不是孤獨的。 我們需要一個可以和我們在一起的人,甚至是一個可以與我們分擔問題的人。
例句: Don’t be too confident about working on your own. Remember, no man is an island. For sure you’ll need us in the future.
- Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
意思: 如果你願意解決任何問題,總是能找到解方的。
例句: Don’t tell me that you can’t finish your report on time. If there’s a will, there’s a way!
- A friend in need is a friend indeed.
意思: 朋友在最困難的時候需要幫助。我們真誠地幫助他們,當我們需要幫助時,他們肯定也會幫助我們。
例句: Fair-weather friends cannot be a good example of “a friend in need is a friend indeed.”
- Love has to be shown by deeds, not words.
意思: 如果你愛一個人,就透過你的行動表達,而不是單純的言語。 不要只是做出承諾; 請對他們採取行動。
例句: Many celebrity couples fail to win their relationship because not all work hard. Love has to be shown by deeds, not words if you are in love.
- The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
意思: 男人會愛上擅長做菜的女人。
例句: Not all women believe that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
- Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
意思: 如果你愛的人不在身邊,你就會更渴望愛情。
例句: Because of their breakup, absence made the man’s heart grow fonder.
- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
意思: 對你來說美麗的東西對其他人來說可能毫無吸引力。
例句: You can’t say anything about someone’s choice because beauty is really in the eye of the beholder.
- Love is blind.
意思: 如果你真的愛一個人,你就不會在乎他的缺點。
例句: I now realize that love is blind. My friend’s boyfriend is an addict but she still holds onto him.
- Love conquers all.
例句: My grandparents opposed my parents’ relationship but my mom and dad fought for their love. This means that love conquers all.
- You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.
意思: 家庭成員的愛是即使他們有些缺點,卻仍然愛著他們。
例句: Don’t be too harsh on your family. Take note that you can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family.
- That’s a face only a mother could love.
例句: She is being bullied because of the birthmarks on her cheek. Surely, that’s a face only her mother can love.
- Love yourself or no one else will.
意思: 應該愛自己為優先。
例句: Stay out of that toxic relationship and love yourself or no one else will.
- There are plenty more fish in the sea.
意思: 分手時,一開始會很痛苦,但你仍然可以找到一個命中註定的人成為你的伴侶。
例句: Don’t worry about your breakup. There are plenty more fish in the sea. Move on and wait patiently.
- 孔子
諺語對於學生的英文學習很重要,能幫助學生成為優秀的思考者。 英文諺語為英文學習者提供了好處,而不僅僅是幾句至理名言。
- 有助於學生提升理解能力。
- 可以促進單字量的累積。
- 大多數英文諺語都可以激勵和啟發學生學習。
- 讓學生接觸到各種比喻的描述。
- 有許多常見的英文諺語可以幫助學生增加成功的機會。
- 學習如何使用英文諺語玩文字遊戲。
- 用英文諺語自信地表達自己。
諺語不僅是過去的句子,也是邀請對話,促進我們思考、批判,並重新組織英文諺語所提供的智慧。 諺語的真正價值不在於盲目遵從,而在於激發的批判性思考。
您想討論或了解更多的英文諺語嗎? 我們很高興與您一起探索!