کلمات زیبای انگلیسی  در اصطلاحات و عبارات









Adamantine (adjective) [ ad-uh-MAN-teen, -tin, -tahyn ] 

  • 詞義: 堅不可摧
  • 例句: The warrior wears his adamantine armor to fight against the dragon.
  • 解釋: 戰士的盔甲非常堅固,無法摧毀。


Bewildering (adjective) [ bih-WIL-der-ing ]

  • 詞義:  極度混亂
  • 例句: John survived a lot of bewildering problems last year.
  • 解釋: John克服了去年所有極度困惑的問題。


Clandestine (adjective) [ klan-DES-tin ]

  • 詞義: 私下或秘密地
  • 例句: I witnessed my boyfriend’s clandestine meeting with my best friend.
  • 解釋: 那個女孩目睹了她男朋友和最好朋友的秘密戀情。


Dauntless (adjective) [ DAWNT-lis, DAHNT- ]

  • 詞義: 一個大膽無畏且有威脅性的人。
  • 例句: Jeanne’s dauntless character is her best asset.
  • 解釋: 這句話的意思是,最好描述 Jeanne 的人格特質是:無畏和大膽。


Epiphany (adjective) [ ih-PIF-uh-nee ]

  • 詞義: 突然領悟、洞察。
  • 例句: Troy had an epiphany last week, so I stopped my unhealthy diet immediately.
  • 解釋: Troy意識到過度攝取不健康的食物非常危險。


Flabbergast (verb) [ FLAB-er-gast ]

  • 詞義: 因驚訝、震驚和困惑而不知所措
  • 例句: Jones is flabbergasts as soon as he sees his dog wounded.
  • 解釋: 當Jones看到他的狗受傷時,他感到震驚和困惑。


Gregarious (adjective) [ gri-GAIR-ee-uhs ]

  • 詞義: 善於交際的人;喜歡別人的陪伴
  • 例句: Gretta is such a gregarious person as she is so lively when surrounded by lots of people.
  • 解釋: Gretta 是一個非常善於交際的人,很容易認識一大群人。


Harness (verb) [ HAHR-nis ]

  • 詞義: 取得對某事物的控制。
  • 例句: Let us harness the wind to make energy for the town.
  • 解釋: 他們利用風車來發電。


Inquisitiveness (noun) [ in-KWIZ-i-tiv-nis ]

  • 詞義: 對新知識的好奇或渴望。
  • 例句: Agatha’s sense of inquisitiveness about life made her become an existentialist person.
  • 解釋: Agatha 對生活和世界有很多疑問,因此,她成為了一位生活顧問。


Juxtaposition (noun) [ juhk-stuh-puh-ZISH-uhn ]

  • 詞義: 為了進行比較而將兩個事物排在一起
  • 例句: The juxtaposition of the rich and the poor is very alarming.
  • 解釋: 有兩個對立的觀點,富人和窮人,由於他們之間的社會經濟差距,這是值得注意的。


Kaleidoscope (noun) [ kuh-LAHY-duh-skohp ]

  • 詞義: 不斷變化的圖案、場景
  • 例句: The 21st century is a kaleidoscope of scientific and technological advancement.
  • 解釋: 在 21 世紀,人們製造了許多小玩意,也進行了許多研究。


Loquacious (adjective) [ loh-KWEY-shuhs ]

  • 詞義: 非常健談、活潑、囉嗦的人
  • 例句: Yuri’s loquacious friend made our picnic wonderful and lively.
  • 解釋: Yuri 的朋友在野餐時談論了各種話題,以免他們感到無聊。


Mellifluous (adjective) [ muh-LIF-loo-uhs ]

  • 詞義: 聲音甜美、流暢且悅耳
  • 例句: Tiara’s mellifluous voice sounds like heaven.
  • 解釋: Tiara的聲音非常悅耳,就像一位天使在天堂中歌唱。


Nocturnal (adjective) [ nok-TUR-nl ]

  • 詞義: 在夜間活躍、高效率。
  • 例句: Johannes is a nocturnal person and prefers to work at night.
  • 解釋: Johannes在晚上很活躍,與白天相比,他晚上的工作量更大。


Omniscient (adjective) [ om-NISH-uhnt ]

  • 詞義: 對事物有大量的知識和認識
  • 例句: Teacher Wilf knows many things. He’s truly an omniscient person.
  • 解釋: Wilf老師對他人問的事情都非常了解,就像一本行走的字典。


Pandemonium (noun) [ pan-duh-MOH-nee-uhm ]

  • 詞義: 一片騷動、非常混亂的狀況。
  • 例句: There was a pandemonium that happened after they heard a loud massive bomb.
  • 解釋:人們聽到炸彈的聲音感到困惑與騷動。


Quintessential (adjective) [ kwin-tuh-SEN-shuhl ]

  • 詞義: 一個人事物或想法最典型的例子。
  • 例句: Analee was the quintessential strong-independent woman.
  • 解釋: Analee 是獨立女性的完美典範。


Ravenous (adjective) [ RAV-uh-nuhs ]

  • 詞義: 非常餓
  • 例句: John feels ravenous after lifting heavy things lately.
  • 解釋: John 想吃很多,因為他早些時候抬重物,用光了所有的能量。


Schadenfreude (adjective) [ SHAHD-n-froi-duh ]

  • 詞義: 從別人的不幸中得到樂趣的人,幸災樂禍
  • 例句: Lowell’s way of pleasure is being  schadenfreude
  • 解釋: Lowell的快樂來自於別人的不幸。


Tempestuous (adjective) [ tem-PES-choo-uhs ]

  • 詞義: 暴風雨,一個情緒波動和情感強烈的人。
  • 例句: Heather’s tempestuous rage of anger makes the class scared.
  • 解釋: Heather激烈的情緒讓她的同學感到害怕。


Ubiquitous (adjective) [ yoo-BIK-wi-tuhs ]

  • 詞義: 隨處可見
  • 例句: These ubiquitous posters about the election are along ABC Street.
  • 解釋: ABC街上隨處可見大量與競選活動相關的海報。


Vivacious (adjective) [ vi-VEY-shuhs ]

  • 詞義: 活潑、令人興奮、有吸引力
  • 例句: Jewel’s vivacious attitude is her greatest asset.
  • 解釋: Jewel 活潑的態度使她獨一無二,也是無人能複製的。


Worthwhile (adjective) [ wurth-HWAYL ]

  • 詞義: 值得花金錢、精力、時間來獲得的東西。
  • 例句: It is my pleasure to have this worthwhile book.
  • 解釋: 這句話說的是,這個人買的書值得他花金錢、時間和努力來獲得。


Xenophilia (noun) [ zen-uh-FIL-ee-uh ]

  • 詞義: 一個人對外國人、文化、食物等有強烈吸引力。
  • 例句: Anthony has a strong xenophilia for German culture.
  • 解釋:Anthony強烈渴望了解更多德國文化。


Yearning (noun) [ YUR-ning ]

  • 詞義: 對某人、某事深深的渴望,尤其是悲傷和強烈的情緒
  • 例句: Demeter is yearning to see her daughter Persephone.
  • 解釋: Demeter 強烈的想見到失蹤的女兒persephone。


Zing (noun) [ ZING ]

  • 詞義: 高品質,使事物變得有趣和生動。
  • 例句: Samuel can make a performance with lots of zing.
  • 解釋: Samuel是讓表演變得生動、精彩的關鍵人物。

其他 104 個單字(僅例句)


  • Abyss – Her parcel fell into the Pacific Ocean’s abyss.
  • Altruistic – She felt altruistic in the middle of the movie.
  • Auspicious – Shane celebrated her auspicious day of birth.
  • Amity – Jen and John are now in amity after hating each other for too long.
  • Affable – Jeanne is affable and she goes along well.
  • Bliss – I felt  bliss as she kissed my cheeks.
  • Bonny – She felt bonny when her crush waved at her.
  • Benign – Jack’s benign attitude and mysterious character make him handsome.
  • Bequeath – Queen Anastasia bequeathed her assets to her son, Prince Dwayne.
  • Bedazzle – Let us bedazzle the judges with our group presentation.
  • Bourgeoisie – The bourgeoisie mocks the children on the streets.
  • Catalyst – Agatha is a catalyst for change in their community.
  • Crestfallen – Jones went crestfallen after he was rejected.
  • Cascade – Teacher Oswell cascades the information immediately.
  • Camaraderie – The camaraderie among members of my team is awesome.
  • Clamor – University students have lots of clamor regarding their heavy projects.
  • Conundrum – Esta raised a conundrum with her teacher about the Parts of Speech.
  • Connoisseurship – Adam’s connoisseurship in fine arts made him famous in town.
  • Cacophony – The cacophony of fireworks, bells, and yelling excites me every New Year’s Eve.
  • Demeanor – I adore Calvin’s demeanor, so relaxed and composed when mad.
  • Demise – The demise of people in the Philippines due to COVID-19 is increasing.
  • Deterioration – The deterioration of our natural resources is becoming high.
  • Exhilarating – Science experiments are exhilarating.
  • Ecstatic – Owen feels ecstatic when watching his favorite anime.
  • Euphony – The euphony of different musical instruments makes me feel happy.
  • Ephemeral – The ephemeral view of the sunset’s beauty is so relaxing.
  • Electrifying – The crowd went wild during Taylor’s electrifying live performances.
  • Epitome – Alyana is the epitome of a woman with beauty and brain.
  • Embodiment – Malala is the embodiment of a brave woman.
  • Flamboyant – She makes flamboyant gestures to attract men.
  • Frivolous – Serena feels frivolous lately after the test.
  • Flimsy – I have just found some flimsy documents in the closet.
  • Facade – The facade of Burj Khalifa is very outstanding.
  • Fortnight – Let’s see each every fortnight this month.
  • Gobbledygook – Franz thinks he is smart, but all those things he said are gobbledygook to me.
  • Gargantuan – The dinosaurs would look gargantuan if they still existed today.
  • Humility – He possesses utmost humility regardless of how many achievements he has.
  • Humane – The government releases a new law focusing on the humane treatment of endangered animals.
  • Halcyon – The halcyon days during summer vacation have come to an end.
  • Hunky-dory – Stop expecting people to be hunky-dory for you even if you treat them well.
  • Ineffable – His ineffable character makes me feel shy.
  • Incinerate – The culprit incinerated all the pieces of evidence.
  • Ingenuity – I adore her ingenuity when it comes to art and design.
  • Jubilant – I feel jubilant whenever I eat ice cream.
  • Judicious – The council’s judicious decision to eliminate him is bad.
  • Jovial – Raven’s jovial smile was gone when she lost her mother.
  • Kryptonite – Cheating, lying, and manipulating are kryptonite to a strong relationship.
  • Kismet – His family’s kismet lies in his job.
  • Luminescence – The algae along the seacoast are producing purplish luminescence.
  • Lagniappe – The manager gave lots of fruit as a lagniappe to his fellow employees.
  • Lackadaisical – He felt lackadaisical when his mother scolded him.
  • Mesmerizing – The beauty of the moon with twinkling little stars is so mesmerizing.
  • Mellow – Zen has a mellow voice even when she gets mad.
  • Myriad – There are a myriad of cultures across the world.
  • Mirthful – George’s mirthful laughter made people laugh as well.
  • Meticulous – Josh is meticulous when it comes to grammatical arrangements.
  • Melancholy – She felt a little melancholy these past few days.
  • Mischievous – Tory’s mischievous act puts him in danger.
  • Maleficent – Delilah’s maleficent intention for Samuel is discreet.
  • Nonchalant – Zion’s nonchalant reaction to winning the first prize is very odd.
  • Nefarious – A lot of nefarious activities happen in the city at midnight.
  • Notorious – Jane became notorious after killing the president.
  • Notwithstanding – Leo’s having a bad birthday notwithstanding, his friends were there to comfort him.
  • Obscure – Skyscrapers obscure the beauty of the sunset on the beach.
  • Optimistic – I remain optimistic no matter how many problems I have.
  • Obnoxious – The odor of dead animals is obnoxious.
  • Oblivion – Sean went into oblivion after he collapsed.
  • Pulchritude – Catriona’s unwavering pulchritude is jaw-dropping.
  • Perilous – We went through a perilous situation in the jungle.
  • Poignant – Allan recalls poignant memories of his past lover after smelling the perfume.
  • Petrichor – I love the petrichor outside after the rain.
  • Picturesque – His picturesque story made us imagine beautiful things.
  • Quivering – His body is quivering in front of the crowd.
  • Queue – The queue in the register area is very long.
  • Rendezvous – Jonie proposed to Joe at their rendezvous.
  • Rapturous – Her answer to the question gained rapturous cheers and applause. 
  • Rancid  – The rancid smell of the spoiled meal is disturbing.
  • Serendipity – Verda finds serendipity in her new boyfriend after being treated poorly by her previous lovers.   
  • Solitude – My way of solitude makes me feel charged.
  • Solace – I found solace in his tender-loving arms.
  • Scintillating – The nerd made a scintillating entrance during their prom night. 
  • Stoic – He has a stoic soul regardless of being treated poorly. 
  • Stellar – His stellar poem won the major award.
  • Splendiferous – The group’s splendiferous stage play made the audience stand.
  • Tantamount – Jerry’s laziness is tantamount to poor grades.
  • Treacherous – The treacherous thief is still unknown.
  • Tormenting – The pain that you have caused me is tormenting.
  • Unorthodox – Annie made an unorthodox novel by mixing different genres in each chapter.
  • Unprecedented – The sudden outbreak of the unprecedented COVID-19 is affecting the world.
  • Unscrupulous – Jane is secretly unscrupulous toward her boyfriend to get what she wants.
  • Vividly – I can vividly imagine how we kissed in the rain that night.
  • Valorous – Malala’s valorous action for her fellow women to have proper education is immeasurable.
  • Vis-à-sis – Danny’s effort in his job vis-à-vis John is way different and off.
  • Vindictive – Catherine became a hostage of a vindictive person.
  • Voracious – His voracious study habits made him rank 1 in his school.
  • Whimsical – The storyteller last night was quite whimsical and playful.
  • Wanderlust – My wanderlust kicks in as I watch the wonderful sceneries in the Philippines.
  • Woebegone – Harry became woebegone when he found out he was a second option.
  • Xenocentric – Deanie’s xenocentric side to going abroad became higher as her country made underpaid employees.
  • Xenial – Filipinos are known for their xenial attitude towards foreign people.
  • Yonder – I can see wildfires yonder in the forest.
  • Yuletide – The Yuletide season has arrived and I can’t wait to get my gifts.
  • Zenith – Ray’s zenith study time is in the morning, around 5 am – 8 am.
  • Zestful – The zestful runway models are having fun showcasing the designer’s masterpieces.




1. The ship has sailed

  • 意思: 錯失良機
  • 例句: Sarah wanted to buy the cute teddy, but a few minutes later, the ship has sailed. Someone has already bought it.
  • 解釋: 這句話中的“船已航行”不是按字面意思解釋的。意思是購買可愛泰迪熊的機會在幾分鐘後消失了,因為被別人買走了。

2. Storm in a teacup 

  • 意思: 為不重要的事情生氣
  • 例句: During our meeting, there was a bit of a storm in a teacup caused by Tiara.
  • 解釋: 這句話使用“Storm in a teacup”這樣的句子,表示Tiara在會議中對無關緊要的事情生氣,這讓他們感到困惑。

3. By word of mouth

  • 意思: 由別人轉述
  • 例句: Quennie heard the news by word of mouth that Joan is pregnant and the father is our boss.
  • 解釋: “by word of mouth”這句話指的是Quennie 聽人家傳言Joan 懷孕了,孩子的父親是我們老闆。

4. Learn the ropes

  • 意思: to learn the basic skills for the job
  • 例句: Harith has to learn the ropes before we hire him as an ESL teacher.
  • 解釋: 在這種情況下,使用“learn the ropes”這個短語,意思是Harith必須學習成為ESL老師的基本能力,才能勝任這份工作。

5. Once in a blue moon

  • 意思: 非常罕見,久久一次
  • 例句: Jim treats his friends to a restaurant once in a blue moon.
  • 解釋: 這句話用了“once in a blue Moon”這句話,表示Jim很少帶他朋友去餐廳吃飯。

6. Have a bun in the oven

  • 意思: 懷孕了
  • 例句: Finally! Jenny has a bun in the oven after many years of waiting and praying.
  • 解釋: 使用“bun in the oven”,意思是經過了長時間的等待,他們對Jenny終於懷孕的消息感到興奮。

7. The ball is in one’s court

  • 意思: 負責採取下一步行動或決定。
  • 例句: Let us wait for Jason as the ball is in his court before we go home.
  • 解釋: 這句話中使用了“Ball is in his court”,意思是成員們正在等待領導Jason的決定,之後才能回家。

8. Blue blood

  • 意思: 皇室、貴族、富裕家庭的成員
  • 例句: Andrea carries blue blood but is humble and studies in public.
  • 解釋: “blue blood”這個詞代表著Andrea在一所公立學校讀書,她來自一個富裕的家庭,但為人謙虛,沒有人注意到她其實非常富有。

9. Skeletons in their closet

  • 意思: 一個人過去的秘密
  • 例句: I believe Sheril and Troy have skeletons in their closet because they seem so bitter with each other.
  • 解釋: “skeletons in their closet”這句話,與Sheril 和 Troy 過去的戀愛關係有關,但這種關係早已被破壞,讓他們對彼此感到痛苦。

10. Up in the air

  • 意思: 尚未決定
  • 例句: The Chief of Justice is up in the air due to the powerful evidence presented.
  • 解釋: 請注意這裡使用了“up in the air”,是簡單的單字結合起來形成的另一個意思,指的是由於兩個對立方呈現有力的證據,所以最高法院院長還沒有結果。



  • Born with a silver spoon in her mouth – Sophia was born with a silver spoon in her mouth yet she shows the utmost humility.
  • Shop till one drops – It’s salary day, so Nathalie shops till she drops, as a treat for herself.
  • One over the eight – Hanz did one over the eighth beer after his ex-girlfriend dumped him.
  • Go Dutch – Cedric and Reyvan went Dutch last Sunday at the Fuel Restaurant.
  • Ray of sunshine – In a circle of friends, there is that one ray of sunshine who makes us laugh out loud.
  • Sleep on the wheels – Eason sleeps on the wheels even if there is a wildfire.
  • Feels off-color – Rowie feels off-color after sleeping for only 2 hours.
  • Rub salt into one’s wound – Russel rubs salt into Josephine’s wound after losing the game.
  • Smart cookie – My seatmate is a smart cookie who always excels in class.
  • Break a leg – Go break a leg and get that first prize!
  • Tickled pink – He went tickled pink when his crush approved him to be his girlfriend.
  • Don’t cry over spilled milk – There are lots of opportunities ahead, so don’t cry over spilled milk, and learn from your past.
  • Take someone for a ride – Jazz takes Jill for a ride along the years of their relationship.
  • Lie like a rug – He lied like a rug when he said he was not a cheater.
  • Hot potato – Corruption became a hot potato than a 299-peso engagement ring.
  • A shoulder to cry on – Kida is a shoulder to cry on when I have a problem because she always listens without judgment.
  • Tighten one’s belt – I have to tighten my belt for survival because I have lots of debts to pay.
  • Keep something under one’s hat – I entrusted you to keep my secrets under your hat but you revealed them to others!
  • A memory like a sieve – Jeon has a memory like a sieve because he can’t remember what happened yesterday.
  • Fits like a glove – The trousers I bought online fit like a glove for the party.



“Not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do is the secret of happiness.”
-J.M. Barrie

  • 解釋: 代表感到振作的不是你所做的事情,而是讓你感到振奮才去做某事,是過上幸福生活的關鍵。全心全意地過好生活,需要奉獻和熱情。如果我們不得已必須喜歡我們所做的事情,就無法獲得完全的幸福感。

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
-Mahatma Gandhi

  • 解釋: 一切都從自身開始。如果希望看到改變,那就自己踏出第一步。讓行動和行為激勵周圍的人,隨後會產生連鎖反應。

“If there’s a single lesson that life teaches us, is that wishing doesn’t make it so.”
-Lev Grossman

  • 解釋: 如果你盡心生活,每一件事都做到最好,那就沒有什麼可以後悔的。沒有像「我能做得更好」、「我希望我學得更多」之類的遺憾。我們要盡全力活在當下,因為過去無法改變,未來也是未知。

“The mountains are calling, and I must go.”
-John Muir

  • 解釋: 這句話比喻生活的美好,這挺有趣的,因為它其實不是在講山脈。

“The more we live by our intellect, the less we understand the meaning of life.”
-Leo Tolstoy

  • 解釋: 沒有必要總是完美,也不必總是做正確的事,甚至害怕錯誤。錯誤可以重塑自己,幫助我們適應曾經認為不適合我們的標準。尋找生活意義的最好方法是經歷錯誤,而不是避免錯誤。

“If you can’t change it. Change your attitude.”
-Maya Angelou 

  • 解釋: 這個世界上有些事情是永遠的,無論多麼努力也無法改變。只能順其自然,改變你對它的看法,透過第三視角看問題,才能更準確的找到處理的方法。

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”
Michael Altshuler

  • 解釋: 時間飛逝,你的決定和行動使旅程變得美好。Michael 的睿智這段話說明著你正掌握著自己的方向,沒有人能奪走。儘管外部因素會影響我們,但當暴風雨過去後,我們如何處理自己才是關鍵。 

“You will never reach your destination if you stop every dog that barks.”
-Winston Churchill

  • 解釋: 不要過於在意別人給的批評與評價,人們總會有話要說。無論你做的是好事還壞事,他們總會拉你後腿。因此,只要繼續前進,達到你的目標,並將他們的意見作為生活中更好的基石。

“The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else.”
-E.E. Cummings

  • 解釋: 這句話對於最近一直在努力應對生活的人來說是一種激勵。我們生活在許多期望中,這些期望塑造了我們今天的樣子。你限制自己成為自己想要成為的人,因為你想獲得別人的認同,因此,你選擇掩飾真實的自己,這很令人窒息。

“Always do what you are afraid to do.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • 解釋: 偉大的事情不會發生在你的舒適圈,而是發生在那些你不相信自己能夠超越的事情中。恐懼、懷疑和缺乏自信是擁有美好生活的致命傷。這段話告訴我們,面對恐懼並犯錯誤,比待在舒適圈停滯不前還要好。從錯誤中學習是達成目標並發掘潛能的途徑。




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