We can always use informal or formal language in various specific situations. What we need to consider are our addressee and the context. Shift to the appropriate language style and attitude when necessary.
Example expressions in formal and informal English
Formal: I would like to extend my heartfelt apologies to our customers for the inconvenience.
Informal: I’m sorry for what happened.
Formal: The undersigned hereby authorizes Mr. Jack Brown to sign the documents in my stead.
Informal: Jack Brown can sign for me.
Formal: The employees are extremely grateful for the wonderful opportunity.
Informal: They’re glad for this chance.
Formal: I would like to present to you the data we gathered from our investigation.
Informal: Here’s the data I got from my investigation.
Formal: Hello, good morning. How are you doing?
Informal: Hey there! What’s up?
Formal: Would you mind sending me your progress report by email? I’d appreciate it if you could submit it within the day.
Informal: Email me your progress report today.
Formal: I am interested to learning more about this exciting opportunity.
Informal: I want to know more about the job.
Formal: The researcher initially concluded that students are happier when they study at home.
Informal: At first, she thought that students were happy when studying at home.
Formal: I am writing to inquire about the status of my credit card application.
Informal: I wanna know some updates about my application.
Formal: In conclusion, many employees complained about not having a pay raise.
Informal: Therefore, I conclude that many employees did not receive their salary increase so they got mad.
Formal: We regret to inform you that the delivery of your parcel will be delayed.
Informal: Sorry, your parcel cannot be delivered today.
In the English language, the correct use of formal and informal English is important because it can help us have an effective communication with our addressees. Now that you know the difference and sample situations to use formal and informal English in your conversations and writing, make sure to observe and consider everything in context.
Formal English or Informal English?
These two linguistic styles are acceptable and appropriate when used in the right context with proper language. Remember, your language attitude and style matter when you use formal and informal English in your conversations.