Are you an aspiring poet who wants to use colorful and beautiful words to craft your poetry? Are you a Word Geek, who would like to know more about some beautiful words in English, to improve your vocabulary? Or an aspiring writer who wants to use some accurate and beautiful words for descriptive writing? If so, then keep on reading this article, for you to get to know some beautiful words in English from QQEnglish.
Learning English is fun yet complicated. However, if you are acquainted with some of the beautiful words in English, you can have a wonderful time learning and indulging yourself in acquiring English dynamics. Particularly in using some beautiful words in your daily lives.
Having a profound knowledge of the various beautiful words in English is such an utmost ability to possess. Wherein, you can easily understand what others might try to say cohesively and intensively using these beautiful words. Especially after reading and critiquing literary pieces, journals, and other written documentaries. Moreover, not just in reading but also in the other English macro skills —writing, listening, speaking, and viewing!
In addition, the following beautiful words, when used in sentences, can make your writing more colorful to read as they can add life and palette to the context. However, some of these beautiful words are familiar to some readers – may it be simple, negative, or strong words; yet the author considered them as they can be helpful when it comes to having conversations. The following are some beautiful words in English with meanings, examples, and explanations for you to understand words profoundly; beautiful words in A-Z:
Adamantine (adjective) [ ad-uh-MAN-teen, -tin, -tahyn ]
Bewildering (adjective) [ bih-WIL-der-ing ]
Clandestine (adjective) [ klan-DES-tin ]
Dauntless (adjective) [ DAWNT-lis, DAHNT- ]
Epiphany (adjective) [ ih-PIF-uh-nee ]
Flabbergast (verb) [ FLAB-er-gast ]
Gregarious (adjective) [ gri-GAIR-ee-uhs ]
Harness (verb) [ HAHR-nis ]
Inquisitiveness (noun) [ in-KWIZ-i-tiv-nis ]
Juxtaposition (noun) [ juhk-stuh-puh-ZISH-uhn ]
Kaleidoscope (noun) [ kuh-LAHY-duh-skohp ]
Loquacious (adjective) [ loh-KWEY-shuhs ]
Mellifluous (adjective) [ muh-LIF-loo-uhs ]
Nocturnal (adjective) [ nok-TUR-nl ]
Omniscient (adjective) [ om-NISH-uhnt ]
Pandemonium (noun) [ pan-duh-MOH-nee-uhm ]
Quintessential (adjective) [ kwin-tuh-SEN-shuhl ]
Ravenous (adjective) [ RAV-uh-nuhs ]
Schadenfreude (adjective) [ SHAHD-n-froi-duh ]
Tempestuous (adjective) [ tem-PES-choo-uhs ]
Ubiquitous (adjective) [ yoo-BIK-wi-tuhs ]
Vivacious (adjective) [ vi-VEY-shuhs ]
Worthwhile (adjective) [ wurth-HWAYL ]
Xenophilia (noun) [ zen-uh-FIL-ee-uh ]
Yearning (noun) [ YUR-ning ]
Zing (noun) [ ZING ]
Some most beautiful words in English are very useful in your daily conversations. Learning these beautiful words in English makes you more confident and proficient in the use of the English language. Especially if you are a non-native English speaker, thus, these beautiful words are helpful for you. Hence, indulge yourself with these 104 beautiful words with example sentences only:
Aside from beautiful words, some wonderful phrases and expressions exist, which can add spice to your sentences or daily lives. These can be applied to some form of literary piece or mode of communication. Moreover, these beautiful words can be useful in different contexts as well. May it be sarcastic, satirical, or hilarious which are fun to use. Some are simple but when placed together, they can create beautiful words with lots of thoughtful meanings.
This time, let us dive deep and go beyond the semantic level of how these beautiful words into phrases and expressions play in sentences. The following are some beautiful words in idioms, you may already know or may not be known for you:
1. The ship has sailed
2. Storm in a teacup
3. By word of mouth
4. Learn the ropes
5. Once in a blue moon
6. Have a bun in the oven
7. The ball is in one’s court
8. Blue blood
9. Skeletons in their closet
10. Up in the air
There is a wide array of beautiful words, especially idiomatic expressions in the English language, which is approximately 25,000, in total. However, these selected beautiful words are randomly selected only from all those beautiful words in idioms.
According to Thayb (2016), in his study, learning idiomatic expressions helps non-native speakers of a language become more fluent, and sound more native-like. Thus, with these beautiful words as idioms below, you are helping yourself to become an efficient speaker of the English language, regardless of whether you are a non-native speaker or the other way around. The following are some of the most beautiful words as idiomatic expressions in English:
There are a lot of beautiful words that are unfamiliar, which make them colorful in sentences. Especially on how letters combine to make unique beautiful words; coin beautiful words to make exhilarating phrases; build phrases to make sentences with diverse meanings; and use sentences with myriad meanings to make us feel intrigued, motivated, and elated. However, some beautiful words do not just consist of one or two. The following are some beautiful words in sayings and quotations to inspire you, as well as the author’s interpretations:
“Not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do is the secret of happiness.”
-J.M. Barrie
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
“If there’s a single lesson that life teaches us, is that wishing doesn’t make it so.”
-Lev Grossman
“The mountains are calling, and I must go.”
-John Muir
“The more we live by our intellect, the less we understand the meaning of life.”
-Leo Tolstoy
“If you can’t change it. Change your attitude.”
-Maya Angelou
“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”
–Michael Altshuler
“You will never reach your destination if you stop every dog that barks.”
-Winston Churchill
“The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else.”
-E.E. Cummings
“Always do what you are afraid to do.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
There are lots of beautiful words in English that are unknown to us and some are recently coined words due to globalization and digitalization. However, some people may say that English is solely a means of communication. Little did they know that communication could be a form of artistry, as well. With these beautiful words above, you can have different colors in your sentences.
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