英文文章 21 個基本規則(不再混淆!)
你有沒有注意到,大多數英文句子中會看到a、an 和 the這些字?為什麼這些很常在句子中出現?在英文文章中,這些是組成文法重要的部分之一。
英文冠詞——a、an 和 the——是英文中的微小特徵,乍看之下微不足道,但在學習語言時扮演著非常重要的角色。了解英文文章的基本規則對於執行有意義、有效的溝通至關重要。
「A, an, and the」可以讓英文清晰準確。語言學生有時會在閱讀文章時感到困惑,因為儘管對這些文章很熟悉,卻還是不知道句子中的正確用法。
英文冠詞有定冠詞(definite article)和不定冠詞( indefinite article)兩種。
- 定冠詞 Definite Articles: the
- 不定冠詞 Indefinite Articles: a and an
冠詞“the”有兩種發音:/ði:/ 和 /ðə/。當冠詞“the”/ðə/ 用於以子音開頭的單詞之前,而冠詞“the”/ði:/則用於以母音開頭的單詞。例如,我們說“the”/ði:/ apple(蘋果)或“the”/ðə/ ball(球)。
不定冠詞「a 和 an」的使用規則
- 子音開頭的單字我們用“a”;母音開頭的單字我們用“an”。也用於是母音字母但是是子音的單字。
a university
an hour
an era
a possibility
an MP3 player
- 當我們向聽眾或讀者介紹新事物時,我們使用不定冠詞。第一次談論它時也會使用。
We decided to transfer to a new building after the earthquake.
- 當我們談論工作和職業時,會使用不定冠詞。
She is a doctor.
My mother is a dentist.
I want to be a scientist.
- 英文不定冠詞用來表示時間和數量。
A kilo of rice
An hour late
A glass of wine
Twice a day
- 不定冠詞a 和 an只用於單數名詞或形式
A restaurant
A student
An umbrella
- 我們不使用a 和 an來表示複數名詞。
I went on an educational trip with a teachers. ✘
- 不定冠詞用在「This/that is,there is,have,got」這樣的表達之後。
I have got an award for being punctual.
There is a big rock near the seashore.
The witnesses have potential evidence against the culprit.
This is the ultimate guide to travelling.
That is a parrot.
- 當說話者和聽者都知道此單字時,我們使用“the”。
Can you pass the salt, please? Thank you.
Did you finish the report I sent you?
- 定冠詞“the”用於複數形式的國家名稱。
The United Kingdom
The United States of America
The Netherlands
The Philippines
The Maldives
- 海洋、大海、河流和運河等水體使用定冠詞「the」。
The Suez Canal
The Pacific Ocean
The Indian Ocean
The Red Sea
The River Thames
The Nile
The Amazon River
The Dead Sea
- 姓氏或家庭時,也使用定冠詞“the”。
I met the Smiths on Thursday.
Have you seen the Watsons recently?
- 對於動詞 play,在談論樂器時使用“the”,但在談論體育或遊戲時不要使用任何冠詞。
Martin played the rugby with his friends. ✘
Martin played rugby with his friends. ✔
When did you learn to play piano? ✘
When did you learn to play the piano? ✔
- 定冠詞「the」既可用於單數名詞,也可用於複數名詞。
The restaurant – the restaurants
The student – the students
The umbrella – the umbrellas
- 我們將定冠詞「the」與最高級形容詞一起使用。
the tallest student
the biggest fault
the most delicious food
the most ambitious person
- 「The」用於系統或服務。
I heard something on the radio.
The internet is unstable.
- 對於非特定名詞使用“a 或 an”;對特定名詞使用“the”。
My father bought a new car. The car is expensive.
I saw a group of students eating chocolates. The group of students are all girls.
- 定冠詞和不定冠詞都用在形容詞之前:冠詞+形容詞+名詞。
A beautiful girl – the beautiful girl
A huge box – the huge box
An hourly rate – the hourly rate
An excess baggage – the excess baggage
- 對於不可數名詞,就不使用冠詞,除非說話者和聽者(具體)都談論過它們。應該有一個量詞使名詞可數。
John wants to drink water.
John wants to drink a glass of water.
- 學術科目、運動名稱、國籍和語言之前不得使用英文冠詞(除非是指的是人口)。
I like mathematics and economics.
Did you play sports when you were in elementary?
I studied linguistics for four years.
Geography was my favorite subject.
Boxing is famous in my country.
He likes playing badminton in his free time.
Do you speak Spanish?
Chinese is not an easy language to learn.
- “The”用於日期和週末
On the 1st of November
On the weekends
- 英文文章用於向讀者或聽眾介紹新事物。
We transferred to a new building after the typhoon.
The new building is situated in the city center.
「a, an 和 the」的主要區別在於,不定冠詞「a 和 an」用於第一次介紹某物,且這個物品對說話者和聽話者來說是陌生的,而定冠詞「the」則用於再次提及該名詞時。
例如,如果我說“My brother bought a new mobile phone last Sunday”,你知道我弟弟買的是什麼手機嗎?你知道這手機的功能和細節嗎?答案是否定的。然而,如果我說“The new mobile phone my brother bought was the iPhone 15 pro max”,那麼你就會對手機的種類有概念了。
- 英文冠詞被視為形容詞,因為它們成為限定詞,有助於修飾句子中的名詞或形容詞。
- 在寫作或對話中感到困惑時,請想一下它們在單數和複數名詞或形容詞中的用法。
- 英文冠詞出現在任何類型的句子中,無論是簡單句還是複句。