簡單句由主語和謂語組成。例如,句子“She ate the apple”(她吃了蘋果)包含主語“She”(她)和謂語“ate the apple”(吃了蘋果)。
英文中的複句由一個主句和一個從屬子句組成,就像“She ran out of money due to too much shopping”(她因為購物太多而沒錢了)。這句話中的主句是“She ran out of money”(她沒錢了),從屬子句是“due to too much shopping”(因為購物太多)。
合句由兩個獨立子句構成,並用連詞連接。這種結構中使用的標點符號是逗號或分號。“The president was shot during his inauguration, but he survived it”(總統在就職典禮上被槍擊,但他活了下來)這句話包含兩個獨立的子句。
“Even though the poll result has been released, the majority of the public questioned it, and the committee is reviewing it.
從屬子句 獨立子句 獨立子句
My mother cried an ocean of tears while watching her favorite soap opera.
獨立子句: My mother cried an ocean of tears
從屬子句: while watching her favorite soap opera
“My mother cried an ocean of tears.”
主語 謂語
“while watching her favorite soap opera”
連接詞 短句
從屬連詞“after, although, as, because, before, if, since, until, whereas, while”在英文中形成複句。
After the wedding ceremony, my friend and I will go to the club to party.
Mr. Miller reported to work today, although he was feeling under the weather.
My father thought I was awake as he saw me moving.
Because of the flood, the buses were not able to get through.
You should finish your homework before going to bed.
He will meet me if he has time.
She has been so depressed since her mother’s death.
The application is open until further notice.
The driver’s feet were wounded, whereas his arms were broken.
I bumped into an associate while rushing to the elevator.
使用 WH 疑問詞 + ever 來形成複句
單詞“whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever, whoever, 和 however”也用於複句中。以下是一些例句:
You can choose whatever style of dress you like.
Just let me know whenever you are ready.
Wherever you go, I hope you’ll be fine.
Whoever told you the information, I’m sure she’s lying.
The sales results are not good however you look at them.
That – 用於定義人、事物、動物、事件等的子句。
例句: This is the car that I used to drive.
Which – 用作非限定關係子句,指涉事物、動物、事件等。
例句: The sales lady was able to record the incident which led to solving the crime.
Who – 代表執行句子中的動作或前句所指的人。
例句: Dr. Peters is the son of the late Prime Minister Peters who lifted the country’s economic status to stability.
Whom – 用來指稱接受句子中動作的人。
例句: I gave the book to my mother whom I love dearly.
Whose – 指擁有某物。
例句: The army awarded Jane whose dedication to military service was commendable.
after | while | however | before | although |
whatever | that | whenever | who | which |
if | as | because | whereas | whom |
whose | until | since | whichever | wherever |
- I was washing the dishes ___________ talking to my mom.
- _____________ the man was deaf, he could understand what I was saying.
- Don’t just visit me ___________ you want!
- I am not sure _________ I could attend the party.
- You can decide on the design __________ you like to see it.
- The queen gave a reward to the lady __________ returned her lost tiara.
- She already left __________ I could respond.
- John was delighted to deliver the flowers to his fiancé _________ he adores the most.
- Did the teachers come in _________ the students had left the classroom?
- I heard _________ you wanted to see me.
- The accident made my dad amputated, __________ my mom was in a coma.
- _________ their breakup, Maddie still could not move on.
- ____________ you give me, I’d be more than appreciative of it.
- Please don’t call me _________ I reach out to you first.
- Don’t take my daughter ____________ you want.
- __________ for her, she’s a complete failure.
- My friend cannot forget the incident _________ made her choose to leave.
- __________ of the pandemic, many businesses were shut down.
- The CEO approached me __________ the presentation.
- The scores you are going to receive will depend on ___________ is higher.
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