The COVID-19 pandemic that erupted last year altered all of our lives. It continues to have an impact on travel by requiring countries to implement country-specific prohibitions and limitations. However, as immunization programs develop, many of us aspire to travel again soon. Many travelers are feeling itchy feet, excited to reconnect with family and friends, revisit old haunts, and finally schedule that once adventures we have been daydreaming about for over a year.
But, suffice it to say, travel now appears to be vastly different than it did previously. However, while many areas of the world remain in the throes of the pandemic, travel is still fraught with uncertainty. From changing airline schedules to varying reopening time frames, as well as the numerous travel restrictions and rules currently in place. Confronted with the urge to travel and practical constraints, we should choose to travel more carefully. To keep up, choose to make the services, facilities and experiences supplied a priority for wellness, health, and well-being. We need to focus on excellent standards of hygiene, which needs to be embraced by tourists.
Despite the fears and challenges, let us highlight that we were able to discover positives in these events. While quarantine and social isolation were unpleasant, they encouraged us to respect connections and to rethink how we spend our time and our life goals. This pandemic has the potential to permanently alter our way of life; nonetheless, we must remain optimistic.
So the million-dollar question remains, when? Well nobody knows. As we move excitedly toward a Covid-free world, let us not do so with complacent naivete. But rather with knowledge, understanding, and hard lessons learned over the past months. There will be greater possibilities and difficulties in the future. So let us work together to foster love, understanding, and healing in our communities and throughout the world.