3 Perfect Tenses in English with Meanings, Uses, and Examples

3 أزمنة تامة في اللغة الإنجليزية مع معانيها واستخداماتها وأمثلة عليها: ابدأ بتعلمها الآن!

تعتبر أزمنة الأفعال الإنجليزية من الجوانب المهمة في قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية. يميل متعلمو اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة ثانية غالبًا إلى الخلط بين أزمنة الأفعال بسبب بنيتها ومعناها المميزين في الجمل.

أحد أزمنة الأفعال المربكة ولكن المستخدمة دون وعي هو زمن الفعل التام في اللغة الإنجليزية. يستخدم العديد من المتحدثين باللغة هذه الأزمنة دون وعي ولكنهم غير متأكدين مما إذا كان الزمن المستخدم مناسبًا أم لا. في اللغة الإنجليزية، تتمتع الأزمنة التامة ببنية محددة تجعل المعنى المنقول أكثر وضوحًا عند تحليله.

على عكس الأزمنة البسيطة، تتحدث الأزمنة التامة في اللغة الإنجليزية عن الأفعال التي تم القيام بها بالفعل أو الانتهاء منها بحلول الوقت الذي نتحدث فيه عنها. إنها تُظهر علاقة بين الأفعال في الوقت الحاضر والأفعال في الماضي.

الأزمنة التامة في اللغة الإنجليزية هي المضارع التام والماضي التام والمستقبل التام.

يتم تشكيلها مع البنية “has/have/had/will have + الماضي التام.”يمكننا القول أن الزمن إما أن يكون في الحاضر أو ​​الماضي أو المستقبل التام حسب وقت الانتهاء.

الأزمنة التامة في اللغة الإنجليزية تكون دائمًا مصحوبة بصيغة الماضي التام للفعل. صيغة الماضي التام هي صيغة الفعل التي تنتهي عادةً بـ “–d, -ed” للأفعال المنتظمة و “-en,” للأفعال غير المنتظمة، فهي تلعب دورًا كبيرًا في تكوين الأزمنة التامة في اللغة الإنجليزية، فهي أحد المؤشرات التي تساعدك على تحديد زمن الجملة بسهولة.

أسئلة لفهم الأزمنة التامة

لفهم زمن الماضي التام في اللغة الإنجليزية بشكل أفضل، لدينا هنا قائمة من الأسئلة النموذجية.

  • What have you done? -> I’ve broken a wine glass.
  • What have you done (+time marker)? -> I have delivered some pizza since 10 AM.
  • What has happened (in the story)? -> The dog has bitten the hand of the enemy.
  • How do you know …? -> I’ve heard a loud scream from a distance.
  • Why do you think (you are qualified)? -> I have been a great contributor to sales.

عند تعلم الأزمنة التامة في اللغة الإنجليزية، يجب علينا الانتباه إلى بناء الجملة والمعنى المقصود الذي تنقله.

3 Perfect Tenses in English with Meanings, Uses, and Examples

الأزمنة التامة في اللغة الإنجليزية مع معانيها واستخداماتها وأمثلة عليها

في هذا الجزء من المقال، سنناقش معنى كل زمن تام في اللغة الإنجليزية مع استخداماته وأمثلة لفهم أفضل.

زمن المضارع التام

يعبر زمن المضارع التام عن فكرة الأفعال أو المواقف في الماضي المرتبطة بالموقف الحالي. وهذا يوضح مدى أهمية الفعل الماضي بالنسبة للحاضر.

بناء: has /have + صيغة الماضي التام

فيما يلي مثال على الجدول الزمني لفهم زمن المضارع التام بشكل أفضل.

I have studied English since I was 8 years old.

Perfect Tenses

استخدامات زمن المضارع التام في اللغة الإنجليزية


      • للأفعال المتكررة أو المعتادة مع وجود علامة زمنية تشير إلى الماضي.

مثال: My younger sister has always passed her exams. (افترض أن أختي لا تزال في الصف الخامس في هذه المرحلة ).

      • للأفعال الفردية المستمرة حيث يبقى كل من فاعل الفعل والنتائج.

مثال: I have been with my best friend since we were 10 years old. (My best friend and I are still friends).

      • لفعل حدث في الماضي ولكن نتائجه لا تزال مرئية.

مثال : Mr. Jones has broken the window. (The window is still broken at this time we are speaking).

      • For actions that took place in unidentified periods of time and are not yet over.

Example: My friend has taken the book to the library this morning. (Imagine that by this time it is still morning).

      • For actions that took place in the past and still relate to the present situation.

Example: I have studied Spanish. (Until now I know a lot about Spanish and I remember them).

Another use of present perfect tenses in English is with time markers “just, yet, already, and still” which usually indicate the attitude of the speaker.

  • Just – a marker used to indicate an immediate past time: either ‘now’ or very close to now.

Example: She has just eaten her breakfast. (Assume that at the time of speaking, it was just a few minutes after the doer’s breakfast).

  • Yet/already – this suggests that the speaker believes that the result of the action should or could be present now.

Example: Have you done your homework yet? (You worked on your homework; is it done? How long will it take you to finish?)

  • Still – usually taught after already and yet.

Example: My cousin still hasn’t seen her father. (My cousin and her father probably have not met or they have separated ways at some place).

3 Perfect Tenses in English with Meanings, Uses, and Examples

Past Perfect Tense

The past perfect tenses in English express the sequence of actions or events and their relationship. There is an emphasized order of time in an action.

Structure: had + past participle

Here is an example timeline for your reference:

I had eaten dinner when my dad called.

Perfect Tenses

Uses of Past Perfect Tenses in English

      • For actions in the past that occurred before a specific time, and the result of that action was still in force at that time.

Example: Lunch had been ready when she arrived. (Assume that lunch had already been cooked before she arrived).

      • For expressing relationship and sequence of past actions using the past perfect clause as a marker. 

Example: After he had done the report, he took his medicine. (In this case, the doer of the action had finished the report and after that, he took his medicine).

Perfect Tenses   

      • “When” is used as a time marker.

Example: I had taken a shower when my mother asked for help. (My mother did not call for help while I was showering; rather, after I finished taking a shower).

Perfect Tenses

      • To express causal relationships between past actions.

Example: He had to step in because the students had been so noisy. (The students were noisy before he stepped in; assume they kept quiet when he did it).

3 Perfect Tenses in English with Meanings, Uses, and Examples

Future Perfect Tense

The future perfect tense expresses the idea of actions that are expected to happen or be completed in the future. The use of “will” and “shall” are important in this tense.

Structure: will / shall + have + past participle

Here’s an example timeline for your reference:

I will have finished my English courses at the end of 2024.

Perfect Tenses


Uses of Future Perfect Tenses in English

      • Expresses a specific point in the future where an action is expected to happen using the word “by.”

Example: My mom will have changed my bedding by 4 o’clock this afternoon. (Assume that the time now is just a few minutes or an hour before 4:00 PM. My mom will be finished changing my bedding by then).

Perfect Tenses  

      • Used for a period of future time that is implied or stated (often a lifetime).

Example: Mike studies hard so he will have received a good education. (Mike is still studying and is expected to have a good education).

      • Used as a logical deduction.

Example: I’m waiting for my friend; she will have left by now. (I am predicting a probable action).

3 Perfect Tenses in English with Meanings, Uses, and Examples
3 Perfect Tenses in English with Meanings, Uses, and Examples

The perfect tenses in English are one of the most challenging and confusing tenses to use. This is one reason why some students avoid this tense, especially the future perfect tense. The perfect tenses in English are often introduced to advanced learners.

Beginner Level students tend to be unfamiliar with the perfect tenses in English, but Intermediate and Advanced Level students are more likely to use these tenses in their conversations or writing tasks.

The perfect tenses in English are a bit difficult to understand, but constant learning and practice can help you be more aware of their uses and structure.

Practice Time!

Identify which type of perfect tense is asked in the following sentences.

  1. The manager shall have announced the salary increase by 3:00 PM today.
  2. Mr. Bakers had already checked in at the airport when he realized he forgot his documents.
  3. I had reported the incident before the police arrived.
  4. After he had cooked dinner, my dad went to the poolside.
  5. Has Miss Brown finished doing her homework?
  6. I will have taken IELTS by this time in October.
  7. The president will have finished his term in 2025.
  8. The ship had arrived when security searched our belongings.
  9. Her father has been ill for three years.
  10. I have been in this company since 2016.

Your answers can be found here.

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