یادگیری حروف اضافه در زبان انگلیسی















  1. 時間介系詞

時間介系詞用來表示某事發生的特定時間。可以是日期、一個季節、一個月或特定時刻。常用的時間介系詞有 at、in、on 三種

  • 介系詞“at”


◙ 特定時間

        I usually get up at 4:00 A.M.
        Our huddle time is at 8:00 every morning.

 ◙ 吃飯時間

        My friends and I are meeting up at lunchtime.
        At dinner time, my friend will propose to his girlfriend.

 ◙ 一天中的時間/事件

My sister often has bad dreams at night.
We will visit Paris at Christmas time.
­­Her dad plays golf at the weekend.

通常是英式英文會用“At the weekend”     

  • 介系詞 “in”



The president’s daughter is getting married in December.
In winter, Tokyo is usually cold.
Mr. Johnson will study English in Cebu in July 2024.
The Tokyo Olympics was held in 2021.


Ms. Wilson is planning to come here in the evening.
In the past, people didn’t have smartphones.
Today’s fashion is the same as it was in the 90s.

    • 介系詞 “on”


    ◙ 一週中的日子

    My flight leaves at 3:00 P.M. on Tuesday.
    The arraignment will take place at the City Hall on Friday morning.
    On Monday, the new manager will be introduced.

    ◙ 日期

    She was born on March 15, 1993.
    Did you hear that on February 12th, there was a huge bombing in the city center?
    The pageant candidates will gather for a photo shoot on June 15. 

  1. 方式介系詞



I write my articles in English. (How do I write my articles?)
The governor spoke to the public in a calm manner. (How did the governor speak in public?)
My friend talked to me in tears. (How did my friend talk to me?)       
The manager approached the employee in a friendly tone. (How did the manager approach the employee?)

  ◙ with

We eat with a spoon and a fork. (How do we eat?)
The delivery man handled my package with care. (How did the delivery man handle my package?)
The young woman responded to her boss with the utmost respect. (How did the young woman respond to her boss?)
With so much love, the lady accepted her boyfriend’s proposal. (How did the lady accept her boyfriend’s proposal?) 


Our colleagues go to work by bus. (How do our colleagues go to work?)
Dr. Jose Rizal of the Philippines was killed by gunshots. (How was Dr. Jose Rizal killed?)
She said that we needed to get to the station by hook or by crook. (How do we need to get to the station?)


She doesn’t like going to work on foot.
I write my articles on my computer.


The ceremony lasted for two hours.
We have not seen each other for quite some time now.
The employee was advised to rest for three days.



  1. 方向介系詞



I saw the thief put what he stole into his pocket.
It’s tiring to walk around the city on foot.
How long is the flight from London to New York?
It takes me thirteen hours to travel by motorbike across Cebu Island.
She took her handkerchief out of her pocket and offered it to me.
Are you not scared to pass through this tunnel?
I didn’t notice I was driving toward the north of this island.


  1. 地點介系詞


on – 當某物接觸另一物時使用

The woman placed her bag on her desk after logging in.
Teacher Jee showed the pen on the book to her students.
She knew she’d be on the top for doing a great job.

over / above – 當某物沒有直接接觸另一物。

Planes usually fly over the mountains of Sierra Madre.
Can you hold your hands over your head for more than an hour?
The dog jumped over the fence and ran quickly.
The clock is above the table.
Get some mattresses from above the cupboard.               

in – 用於談論某事物的內部,也會在特定的地方或位置使用。

The flowers in the basket smelled so good.
I heard some noise in my stomach.
In the Philippines, the people are hospitable and friendly.
There are more people in Europe than in Asia.
I love playing with my childhood friends in my hometown. 

under / below – 一個東西低於另一個東西。

The workers usually leave their belongings under their desks.
I found my socks under my bed; they’re dirty.
The dead are buried six feet below the ground.
Make sure to wear skirts that are at least 2 inches below the knee.

between – 用來描述兩個東西之間的位置。

You can see the computer between the shelf and the desk.
Between you and me, I am more brilliant.
Could you please tell her to call me between 7 and 9 in the evening?


behind/in front of – 一個東西在另一個東西的後面或前面。

Our company is behind the cathedral.
Look behind, I am just here.
I am sitting in front of my computer.
Please bring your meal in front of the store.


My mom bought a new pair of glasses across the street.
The saleslady is standing near the fitting room.
Why don’t you sit by the table?
I did not expect you to sit beside me.
I want to eat my dinner at home.



I like the sound of  music in my ears.
There are many kinds of fish in the ocean.



目的: I look forward to seeing you soon.
目的地: She is traveling to New York.
接受者: Could you please give this key to Johan?

英文介系詞如「on、in、at、on 和 by」可以多次使用,取決於上下文,有一些句子可以使用多個介系詞。

  • The girl sat on the wooden platform by the seashore while covering her eyes with her hands as she listened to the waves of the ocean
  • Jane and her friends are going on a night out on Friday, at 10:00 PM.
  • All the employees gather at the cafeteria at lunchtime to eat their lunch together before going back to work and ending their shift at 5:00 PM.




英文介系詞簡單的 6 個文法規則

  1. 每個介系詞必須有一個受詞

She glanced through the window of her room.
I saw what had happened with my own two eyes.

  1. 介系詞必須放在名詞或代名詞之前(注意:前綴“pre”表示“之前”)

Focus your eyes on the road.
He offered his services to them. 

  1. 介系詞後面的代名詞應該使用受格形式

I don’t want to put the blame on you.
She saw the best in me.

  1. 英文介系詞有兩種形式:簡單形式和複合形式

Tell me something interesting about yourself. – Single-word
On top of all your achievements, having a successful career is the best. – complex; a group of words

  1. 不要將介系詞「to」與不定詞「to」混淆

I am here to introduce a new product. – to-infinitive (to + main verb)
I have always been looking forward to meeting your parents. – preposition (to + gerund)

  1. 動詞不能作為介系詞的受詞

The event was for walk of the devotees.
She was in speak of her opinion.





__________ 1. Are you going to see me at 7:00 PM tonight?

__________ 2. They knew that their sister was going home in December.

__________ 3. Ms. Millers forgot that she had put her keys in her bag this morning.

__________ 4. I saw a woman wearing red sneakers at the café yesterday.

__________ 5. On March 18th, my parents are going to celebrate their wedding anniversary.

__________ 6. Did you inform her of her tasks as the new staff?

__________ 7. I usually go home to my hometown by plane as it is more convenient.

__________ 8. The caretaker transferred the plants to the garden with a wheelbarrow.

__________ 9. Nowadays, it is easier to travel from Japan to Korea.

__________ 10. Never look behind you when you watch a horror movie.

__________ 11. I found an interesting book on the shelf.

__________ 12. In the old days, people wrote letters to their loved ones.

__________ 13. She waited for the train for a long time.

__________ 14. The CEO is seated between the President and the Vice President.

__________ 15. Mary put the Koi fish into the fish bowl.



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