








1. Simile (譬喻法)



  1. You look like an angel in disguise.
  2. Jane is like a lion when mad.
  3. Stella is as bright as a star in our classroom.
  4. Her physique is as lovely as aurora borealis.
  5. Agatha is as fragile as the dandelions in the garden.

“Worrying is like a paying debt you don’t owe.”
-Mark Twain

2. Metaphor (隱喻法)



  1. She is a walking disaster.
  2. Anthony is a living dictionary in my school.
  3. Life is a journey, full of adventures and mysteries.
  4. Time is gold. Use it wisely!
  5. A pen is mightier than a sword.

“I watered it with fears,
night and morning with my tears.
I sunned it with smiles.”
-William Shakespeare

3. Hyperbole (誇飾法)



  1. What a tiring day! I could sleep for a year.
  2. His anger could boil a cup of water.
  3. Anna cried in the river when her Mom died.
  4. Tiffany dropped Troy’s golden glass heart.
  5. John’s smile reached through his ears when he saw his crush.

 “Her voice was a rich, vibrant contralto of intrinsic beauty.”
-Alan Blythe

4. Personification(擬人法)



  1. The sunflowers are dancing in the garden.
  2. The sun is angry towards the humans.
  3. Three birds are singing in a choir in the sanctuary.
  4. The fog is hugging sweetly to the mountain.
  5. She took a photo under a crying sky.

 “The fog comes on little cat feet.
It sits over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on.”
-Carl Sanburg

5. Oxymoron (反義法)



  1. The town had a reality show last fiesta.
  2. I am clearly confused with his explanation.
  3. Josh ate the jumbo shrimp on the table.
  4. Due to globalization, we created a global village.
  5. Allan and Sam have similar differences together.

 “Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health,
Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is!
This love feel I, that no feel love in this.”
-Romeo and Juliet; William Shakespeare.

6. Paradox (矛盾法)



  1. I find strength in my weaknesses.
  2. I took the courage to get out of my fears.
  3. War is the only way to have peace.
  4. People helped him to go up just to look them down.
  5. Intelligent people talk less.

 “Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.”
-C.S. Lewis. 

7. Irony (諷刺法)



  1. The mouse chases the cat.
  2. Teacher Dwight has a fear of public speaking.
  3. The police officer ran away when he saw the suspect.
  4. What a great day! I just lost my wallet.
  5. Oh! They are out of unlimited rice.

“A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life.”
-Romeo and Juliet; William Shakespeare

8. Onomatopoeia (擬聲詞)



  1. The splashes of the water create a relaxing sound.
  2. I can hear Jessica’s deep gulp after breaking the vase.
  3. Tick tock, Tick tock! What time is it?
  4. The duck quacks loudly in the river.
  5. Bamboo squeaking every night sounds creepy.

“Yet the ear, it fully knows,
By the twanging,
And the clanging,
How the danger ebbs and flows.”
-The Bells; Edgar Allan Poe

9. Alliteration (押韻)



  1. Jack on Jumpers jumps with jars of jam.
  2. Willy whips a willow in the window.
  3. Railey reaches Rocky Road railway.
  4. The busy bumble bee buzzes on the bluebell bud.
  5. Gian guards the green garden.

“While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping.”
-The Raven; Edgar Allan Poe

10. Pun (雙關語)



  1. Why are Teddy Bears hungry? They are always stuffed! (Stuffed Toys)
  2. Let us taco about it. (talk)
  3. I am board I wish someone wood have fun. (bored; would)
  4. Are you a tower? ‘Coz Eiffel for you. (I fell)
  5. Do clay sheets get tired of being overused? (clichés)

“Now is the winter of discontent,
made glorious summer by this sun of York.”
-Richard III; William Shakespeare


10 種不常見的英文修辭


1. Litotes (反述法)

是使用否定來表達肯定的委婉說法。例如,”That wasn’t half bad”(那並不算差)使用了否定的表述,實際上是表示某件事非常好。


  1. You are not ugly. (You are beautiful.)
  2. It is not a bad day. (It is a peasant day.)
  3. The government officials are not fooling around this year. (The government officials are serious this year.)
  4. Shane doesn’t have a few mistakes. (Shane has many mistakes.)
  5. Their platform is not uncommon. (Their platform is common.)

“Beowulf raised the hard weapon by the hilt,
angry and resolute — the sword wasn’t useless to the warrior.”
-Beowulf; Oldest English Epic

2. Antonomasia (換喻法)



  1. The King of Pop made the music industry boom. (Michael Jackson)
  2. In England, the Bard of Avon made many literary pieces. (William Shakespeare)
  3. I just found my Mr. Right! (Boyfriend)
  4. The Iron Lady of Asia passed away after the National Election. (Miriam Defensor Santiago)
  5. The Star of Miss Saigon is going to Japan. (Lea Salonga)

“The fatal Cleopatra for which he lost the world and was content to lose it.” (Antony)
-Antony and Cleopatra; William Shakespeare

3. Euphemism(委婉法)



  1. Gio’s grandmother passed away. (died)
  2. Anthony’s dad is a Sanitation Engineer. (garbage man)
  3. Anne had a pregnancy termination! (abortion)
  4. Mentally challenged people need guidance. (retarded)
  5. Sue had a big bone but look at her now. (fat)

 “I am one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs.” (having intimate intercourse)
-Othello; William Shakespeare

4. Synecdoche(借代)



  1. Rey bought new wheels yesterday. (car)
  2. John asked Lucy’s hand in the middle of a concert. (asking to marry)
  3. I forgot to bring my Band-Aid with me. (bandages for wounds)
  4. Sean has 5 mouths to feed at home. (family members)
  5. I found a good head in our team. (intelligent person)

“I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
-The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock; T.S. Eliot

5. Metonymy (轉喻)



  1. I will adhere to the crown’s orders. (King)
  2. Pen is mightier than sword. (writing; war)
  3. The White House declared a global lockdown during the pandemic. (the President)
  4. I hear many tongues one at a time when I visit the city. (languages)
  5. Do you need any hand for that? (help)

“Half in appeal, but half as if to keep
The life from spilling”
-Out, Out; Robert Frost

6. Apostrophe(頓呼法)



  1. Oh! My beloved moon. Why are you so beautiful?
  2. I am sorry Mother Earth, I failed to protect you.
  3. My Persephone, I wish you were here.
  4. I will fight for you, My Philippines, until my last breath.
  5. How to make you calm, Sun? Your rage is burning.

“Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!
No hungry generations tread thee down;”
-Ode to a Nightingale, Jean Keats

7. Chiasmus (交叉句)



  1. A man for a woman and a woman for a man.
  2. One for all, all for one.
  3. He knows us and we know him, too.
  4. John gave knowledge to us and our ignorance has been taken.
  5. It takes love to sacrifice and it takes sacrifice to love.

 “Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.”
-John F. Kennedy

8. Anadiplosis (頂真法)



  1. The boat sinks; sinks slowly into the ocean; the ocean of nothingness.
  2. The government had corruption. Corruption that would lead to problems. Problems that would lead to poverty.
  3. The seen turned to bud. The bud turned into a flower. The flower wilted in despair.
  4. I file an application letter. An application letter for a job. A job that will make me a billionaire.
  5. The boy is writing a congratulatory letter; a congratulatory letter for his best friend.

 “The general who became a slave. The slave who became a gladiator. The gladiator who defied an emperor.”
-Gladiator Movie

9. Anaphora (首語重複法)



  1. You are kind. You are talented. You are intelligent.
  2. Jane sings sweetly. She is a diva. Her voice deserves an award.
  3. I will fight for you. I will make you happy. I will be a better man.
  4. Joe sees nothing. Joe hears nothing, too. Joe is blind and deaf.
  5. The government is bad. It steals money. It kills innocent. It is such a shame!

 “You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise”
-Still I Rise; Maya Angelou

10. Anthimeria (轉品)



  1. I will phone you later.
  2. I can keyboard this letter in just one minute.
  3. Will you please google this page?
  4. Chris turtled John’s assigned paperwork.
  5. The facts are not facting

“The thunder would not peace at my bidding.”
-King Lear; William Shakespeare




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